Re-Imagining Debussy Sarabande

Daniel Mihai
Daniel Mihai
Классика / Пьеса
Фортепиано, Челеста, Электропианино, Синтезатор, Клавесин
Состав исполнителей
Соло, Солисты
Тип нот
Для одного исполнителя
Фа минор
Время звучания
Уровень сложности
Год создания

For this composition i reach one of the meaning of the reason of this special dance called "sarabande"!
I compose a special line for the right hand who is in my perception lovely and in a spirit of impresionism period!
Also the left hand is in a mood and bring the whole atmosphere because use all pianist tehnique and skill of Debussy for a slow dance.
I choose the sarabande rhytme because is most known and intimate thing in whole world.
This composition expresses also all the postmodern sense on this fancy instrument-piano!
I hope with this miniature to be a special one, remembering and also connecting the past with the future, only in this PRESENT day!
The shorts moments are the best because what you feel in that moments is very exciting. The theme appears like a remembering in the feelings and the skills of the piano tehniques and expressions in only 60 seconds.

Дата публикации: 21 май 2013
Всего скачиваний: 4


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